Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pennsylvania Sued For Axing Low Income Health Plan

Issues like this one will become more prevalent in the near future.   States cutting health coverage for our poor will become a common trend.

I hope the three affected residents win the law suit against the state of Pennsylvania and the adultBasic insurance is restored. And I hope all politicians involved in this shameful act of depriving over 40,000 poor people of health insurance are voted out of public office.  For details, click on the link at the bottom of this blog.

Governor Tom Corbett is a member of the Republican Party. The Republican politicians advocate the unthinkable act of cutting off our poor from health care.

If Romney is able to implement his plan to turn Medicare coverage over to the states,  there will be many drastic cuts in Medicare leaving our poor in a lurch.  Many families will have to give up a significant part of their income so that their elderly can be cared for at home instead of in a nursing home. The cost of such care will be prohibitive and will eat up the family's savings and home. 

Instead of placing the blame where it belongs (reducing government funds while increasing spending), the Republicans choose to lay the complete burden of the debt on our poor.

Republicans claim it is the responsibility of charity organizations and religious organizations to care for our poor when they know full well that these organizations do not have the resources to provide health care for our poor.  

Yes, they are our poor. Our nation is a nation of all people, by all people and for all people. That includes our poor.  It's sad that the Republicans are not for all the people.

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