Sunday, January 29, 2012


 A Science Fiction Thriller

The dog whined and barked while digging with both paws.

"Tiger! No!" Joe yelled as he yanked the leash and pulled the dog toward him.

His mom had just planted the grass seed several weeks ago.  She spent a lot of time working in the back yard and Joe knew she would be very angry if the dog ruined it.

Tiger was pulling trying to get back to the spot of interest. He kept barking and barking.

"Ya think he buried a bone there?" asked his brother, Fred, as he walked into the yard from the side of the house.

"Not while I've been out here with him."  Joe gave the leash to Fred, "Hold him."

Joe walked up to the spot and looked at the small area that had been dug up.  After inspecting the area, he filled it back in by moving the dirt with his foot.

Fred opened up the back door
"Fred, did Tiger bury something out here?"

Fred walked in the back door, turned around and shrugged his shoulders.  "Ain't got time to watch that dumb dog!"

"Great." said Joe, "Just great."

Fred shook his head in disgust.

Tiger kept whining and barking.

"Quiet!" Joe grabbed the leash and entered the back door. He pulled the barking dog inside.  Then he closed the back door, took the leash off the dog and went up the stairs into his bedroom.

 Tiger whined and started scratching at the back door with his paws.

In the backyard, the dirt was being thrown to the side.  Something popped its head out of the hole and looked around.

Tiger started growling. Then the dog yelped once.


"Oh crap!" said Joe as he came rushing down the stairs.

The back door was wide open.

"Who opened the door?" Joe peered into the back yard. "Dang it!" He said as he saw the hole in the lawn.

The yard was fenced in.  Joe searched all over the house for Tiger.  "Where the heck did he go?" Joe asked himself.

Fred approached Joe, "See? You don't watch the dog either."

Joe resented the snotty remark.  "Where could Tiger have disappeared to?  He's never jumped the fence."

"There's always a first time."  Fred paused as he heard a car pull into the driveway, "Mom's home. Now you're in real trouble."

"Did you leave this door open?"

"No, I thought you did."

"I closed it."

They heard mom's voice, "Fred, Joe. Come on out and help me with the groceries."

As Joe closed the door, he realized that there were more two holes in the back yard.

"Joe!" yelled mom, "Get over here!"

'I'm coming." Joe walked through the back hallway passed the cellar door and through the kitchen.  He walked through the living room and opened the front door.  The back of his mom's car was sticking out of the garage.

They brought the groceries inside and laid them on the table. Mom started putting the groceries away.
Fred and Joe looked out the living room window.

"Mom," yelled Fred, "There's six holes in the front lawn!"

Mom came running.  "We need help."

She got on the phone in her bedroom and called police. Then they all gathered in the kitchen as she prepared sandwiches and soda. Suddenly they felt a vibration as the wall cracked from ceiling to baseboard.  They ran to the front door as the house shook and all walls began to crack.  Mom tried to open the front door but it was stuck.  She heard something chewing on the wood in the attic. Suddenly a large chunk of ceiling crashed down on the kitchen table.  Holes appeared in the living room wall and the creatures revealed their heads. They looked like rats except for their sharp claws. Mom screamed and they ran through the kitchen into the back hallway and tried to open the back door without success. The house rumbled again and all the windows shattered. Then the kitchen floor collapsed into the cellar and they saw hundreds of creatures in the cellar.

When the police arrived, the complete front lawn had collapsed into the ground. The creatures had been digging deep underground tunnels all around the house. Then the sidewalk leading to the back of the house collapsed. Hundreds of creatures appeared in the huge hole in the front lawn.

The police phoned for help. Mom had managed to grab a broom and was poking the creatures with the broom to keep them away. Another chunk of ceiling fell down in mom's bedroom.  A joist came crashing down and landed on her bed.  In the kid's room the same was happening.

The creatures had all three trapped against the wall in the back hallway.  They could not get to the back door and there were no windows. Behind one wall were the stairway to the attic and the stairway to the cellar. Behind the other wall were the kitchen pantry and the bathroom.  The creatures curiously stared at Joe, Fred and Mom.

They heard the sounds of numerous gun shots followed by a police officer screaming in pain.  Joe and Fred hugged their mom.

There was the sound of a low flying plane followed by an explosion that shook the house.  Then they heard a voice.

"What'd you say?" yelled mom.

"Are you away from the back door?"

"Yes." yelled mom.

"Good. Say clear of it. We're coming in."

They heard a rumbling sound out back and a loud bang as something hit the back door. The back door was ripped off its hinges and came crashing down on the hallway floor, crushing the creatures.  And there, backing away from the door was an army tank.

Soldiers came in and guided mom and the kids out the back door.  The whole ceiling collapsed to the floor.  The surviving creatures scattered.

On the side of the house, the sidewalk had collapsed. On the other side there was a big hole in the lawn and the fence had collapsed from front to back.

The house frame was being destroyed by the creatures. A crowd gathered to watch as the whole house collapsed.  Then there was a rumbling so loud that people had to clog their ears.  Windows on other homes shattered.  People were screaming as the symptoms of a small localized earthquake shook and cracked the road in several places.  Water spouted out of one of the cracks causing people to panic and run.
The garage collapsed.  The ruins of the home started moving toward the street clearing the way for the surfacing of a large round object
Joe, Fred and mom ran down the street looking for a place to sit and recuperate from their experience.  It was hard to believe that their home was destroyed.  They found a small diner, sat down and ordered their meals and then asked the owner to turn on the local news on his radio.

Joe leaned his head against his mom. Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he realized that . . . the dog was gone.

While waiting for their meal, Fred and Joe got up and looked out the window. The alien space ship shaped like a flying saucer zoomed across the sky.  When the space ship was over open water a large tubular object appeared in the opposite corner of the sky. Its destination was moving toward it.  The aliens in the space ship realize that they were on a collision course and tried to avoid the tubular object.  But the tubular object's computerized radar system was locked on the space ship. The space ship climbed into the sky with the tubular object right behind it and closing in.

Then space ship made a sharp U-turn.  A second tubular object appeared. This one was traveling at a low altitude.  Both guided missiles hit the space ship at the same time.  The sky light up with a huge explosion. Fragments of the space ship fell to the water.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"In Joyful Service" Sketch

Joyce sketched this on plain paper.  One day, as Joyce sat in the church waiting for Mass to begin; the Deacon's young grandson, Rocky, brought the chalice from the Sacristy.  His joyful demeanor in being able to assist his grandfather before the Mass struck a chord in Joyce's heart.

Joyce and I originally published this sketch on our websites at and Joyce also published this on the Yahoo Contributor Network. This sketch is published here with the explicit permission of my wife Joyce.

Our Vulgar Bird Crackers

Warning: This blog contains some vulgar language.

We bought the cocketiel from a bird shop. The owner hand-fed the bird.  The bird accepted food from Joyce's hand too.  We bought a big cage for the cocketiel  and provided the bird with plenty of toys, food and water. We named the cocketiel Crackers. Eventually Crackers learned a few short phrases.

Every time my wife Joyce figured out what was wrong with something, she would say "Well, no wonder!"  One day Crackers was looking in his mirror and said "Well, no wonder!"

When I get frustrated, I emphatically use the word shit. Well guess what. One day -- while we were sitting on the couch watching TV, Crackers started violently shaking his head up and down saying "Shit shit shit . . ."  We were laughing so hard.

The other phrase I often used in my angry moments was a word that rhymed with "Muck!" One day . .While I was putting the cover over his cage I heard Crackers say "Well! ?uck you!"

I always say "Good night, Crackers" when I cover the cage. Sometimes Crackers echoes me. "Good night, Crackers" He also says "Crazy Crackers" and "Pretty Bird."

I often talk to Crackers. I say to him, "Crackers, you're not all you're cracked up to be!"

If I try to change his food or water late at night, Crackers hisses at me. So I decided to hiss back. We spent about two minutes hissing at each other.

On Saturday nights, my cousin would come over and sit in the chair beside the bird cage. If he ignored Crackers, Crackers would splash water on him.

Crackers is 19 years old now.  When he's angry at me he stares at me with his head held low.  If I had a chance to do it all over again, I'd buy the same bird.  Just hope he doesn't repeat any vulgar phrases while the priest who married us is here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

St Francis of Assisi Sketch

This is Joyce's graphite sketch of St Francis of Assisi on plain paper. In the background is the town of Assisi. St Francis sports a slight smile as he holds a dove close. This is the patron saint of animals and those who love them. Francis often sang of the joy of creation and the sorrow of the cross.

This was published on Yahoo Contributor Network by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission. It was also published on our website

Christ of the World

This is Joyce's graphite sketch on non-textured paper. Christ looms suspended in front of a geometric cross; no longer by the nails that once held him fastened but by compassion for our world. The tear that runs down His cheek and the blood droplets that emanate from His hands testify to His love for us as individuals as wells as communally as a planet. The scroll above his head that once proclaimed Him 'King of the Jews' is now empty for it cannot contain the His true title 'Son Of God, King of All.'

This was originally published on Yahoo Contributor Network by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission.  We also published it on our websites

The Nativity Watercolor Painting

This is Joyce's graphite sketch with computer assisted coloration. Here the Holy Family is viewed under the power of the Holy Spirit pictured as a dove.  The star of Bethlehem hangs above the abstract of the stable. Mary and Joseph are on either side of the manger tending the Child Jesus who reaches a tiny hand to each.

This was originally published on Yahoo Voices by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission.

This was originally published on Yahoo Contributor Network by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission. We also published it on our website and on

In His Eyes Watercolor Painting

This is  Joyce's graphite drawing on textured paper. Our perception of Jesus is often colored by film and fine art paintings of Jesus from the past. This Face of Christ shows a more common Man's face. Only His eyes are a window to his Divine nature.  Here the image in his eyes shine his cruciform future.

This was published on Yahoo Contributor Network by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission. We also published it on our website and

Christ, Man Of Sorrow Watercolor Painting

This is Joyce's watercolor painting of Christ, Man of Sorrow done in free brush style. This is an abstract painting. Only shades of color imply the features of the suffering Christ. Brilliant to muted reds infer blood and pronounced the passion of death.  The crown of thorns figures boldly on his brow. Bright yellows are telling of the future resurrection.  On his chest, we see the flaming heart of Christ. In the background loom the three crosses of Good Friday.

This was published on Yahoo Contributor Network by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission. We also published it on our website and

Christ My King: Graphite and Watercolor Painting.

This is the very first face of Christ that came to Joyce in the Lent of 2004.  It started when she drew a postage stamp size cartoon that touched her heart. She prayed that she could enlarge this tiny image into a full size sketch, keeping the expression on the face of Christ. His head is tipped just a bit forward revealing a bruise on His eyelid from the cruel beating He suffered. The crown of thorns pressed tortuously onto His head. There is just a hint of the purple rag laid over His shoulders by His tormentors to mock Him as King.  This is the true picture of the Lamb of God who allowed Himself to be meekly led to slaughter before his Passion.

This was published on Yahoo Contributor Network by my wife Joyce Gentile and is published here with her explicit permission.We also published by us on our website and

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Our Little Dog Mickey Finn

I have a wonderful little Bichon Frise.  We named him Mickey Finn but I call him Mickey Mouth because he barks a lot. My wife brushes him, trims him and cleans him. I do my share too. I play with him. We've trained him to pee and poop indoors on a newspaper. It was real easy. The first time he pooped on the floor, I moved the poop onto the newspaper. From that point on, he pooped on the newspaper.  He loves to be petted. He is always looking for attention from me or my wife Joyce.

We have a large crate for him.  We lure him into the crate with a treat and always with a sweet voice. We don't want Mickey Mouth to view the crate as a place of punishment.  There was a time when Mickey had lots of fleas because he is so small, the fleas find it easy to jump on him when he is our in the yard.  For a while I was using the term 'fleabag' when I played with him.

One day Joyce and I were in the bedroom and Joyce called Mickey but Mickey did not come. So I yelled out
"Hey, you old fleabag. Get over here!"  And the dog came running!