Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tribute to our Fallen Soldiers

Originally published on Yahoo Voices

Names etched in stone
Those who did not come home
to enjoy tomorrow
Their families in sorrow
No greater a sacrifice
then to give up one's life
for our country, for you and for me
The people they fight for
Risk their lives day and night for
Some give up a life for
and demonstrate our might for
the world to see and victory
and for our privilege to be
those who are free.
They gave proof of the cost
via the lives that were lost
for us to see
that the liberty gained
was not for free
May God bless them all
and grant them eternal life
Bless each surviving brother and sister,
husband and wife
Let them stand tall
in our memories
and let us never forget
the battles they won
and the families they left
Comfort them now and
for the rest of their years

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